Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fitness Journal 4/18/12 - Time Out

So I know I haven't journaled about my fitness lately. Mainly because my husband has been home and there hasn't been much fitness going on. I made it to the gym twice while he was home. I ate bad foods or not at all. All and all my husband is just a bad influence when it comes to being healthy. I know its my decision and he doesn't force me to eat what I do. But I can't help myself when I see him eating sweets and things I like. I have however tried to make up for it by working out some way everyday this week. Monday I did Just Dance quite a bit at Amy's house. Tuesday Natalia joined me at the gym and we did the 30 minute express and 15 minutes on the arc trainer. I feel bad because I worked her really hard. She hasn't been to the gym with me in a while. Today I did my usual 30 minutes of arc trainer and upper body weights.

4/9 15 min arc trainer, Tricep Curl 40 pounds 20 reps 2 sets, Biceps Curl 30 15x2, Shoulder Press 20 15x2, Row/Rear Deltoid 30 15x2, Pulldown 55 15x2, Chest Press 35 15x2, Fly 50 12x2, Torso Rotation 50 20x2 each side, 15 min arc trainer

4/13 15 min arc trainer, Calf Extension 50 15x2, Seated Leg Curl 35 15x2, Leg Extension 30 15x2, Seated Leg Press 55 20x3, Hip Abduction 90 15x2, Hip Adduction 90 15x2, Abdominal Crunch 20 20x3, Torso Rotation 55 20x2 per side, 15 minute arc trainer

4/16 Just Sweat on Just Dance 2. 5 songs for a total of 1300 sweat. If any of that makes any since if you don't play Just Dance2.

4/17 30 min express with Natalia yay! Thanks for sticking in there with me girl. 15 minute arc trainer. From what I hear today she is pretty sore. I'm sorry :(

4/18 (Today) 15 min arc trainer, Tricep Curl 30 pounds 30 reps 3 sets, Biceps Curl 30 15x2, Shoulder Press 20 20x2, Row/Rear Deltoid 30 20x2, Pulldown 60 12x2, Chest Press 30 20x2, Fly 50 12x2, 15 min arc trainer

As far as meals last week you can just count it all as a bust. Michael being home I ate anything he ate or I wanted... Today:

Breakfast: Medium Smoothie King Vanilla Shredder
Lunch: Fat Pat's Lil Burger with very few sweet potato fries. I was so full from burger. Diet Dr Pepper.
Dinner: I have yet to eat dinner. My stomach is grumbling but nothing in my fridge or cabinets seem appealing. Its times like this that I just go to sleep hungry... I must force myself to eat something now.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday Blast to Easter Fun

After a busy day at the Lafayette Jockey Lot doing nails, I was ready to unwind and relax. My friend Natalia invited me to come over and have a few drinks. I had a coupon for a Mexican restaurant I knew Michael wouldn't enjoy so I invited Nat to come along after work. The food was overpriced but the margaritas were delicious. Mango and cranberry divine.

From dinner we spent to the rest of the evening drinking a few drinks and doing karaoke and Just Dance. I had a really awesome time. I stayed til 3am. The latest I have ever stayed up for about a year. I gave myself an hour  to sober up before I drove home. Two drinks wasn't too bad though. All the sweating from dancing and singing worked that off. Nat's husband Aaron even got in on the show which was pretty interesting to watch.
(Aaron with his mini mic kneeling on shoes losing balance)

(Hey man I am a "dorf")

("Its called "dwarf" Aaron")

(Just Dance)

I must say this was a much needed break from the recent stress I have had. When I came home I had to wrap my poor fingers though. The skin is cracking and flaking away leaving nothing but red and bruised skin beneath it. I am having trouble as I type now since 4 of my fingers are wrapped up. I am scared to say that I might have to give up my job that I love which is doing nails every weekend. I plan to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist this week and see what I can do to heal them and prevent this from happening again. I have put it off long enough and hopefully I can avoid putting away my passion.

(My sucky bandaging job. Do you know how hard it is to function with my hands like this?)

Ahh Sunday! I got to sleep in. Which was very nice considering I am usually up at 7:30 or 8am every morning with Ava. I woke up groggy from drinking and oversleeping. I had to meet with a client of mine at the Jockey Lot to fix a nail and look for a belt for my husband. Unfortunately the leather store was closed. It was a ghost town because of the holiday.

After a little trip to Rayne, LA, I had my little girl from the babysitter and we went to what my friends like to call the Simcoe Compound (an apartment complex where a few of my friends live). Ava got to see her best friend Moxie. Nat had prepared the girls Easter baskets and eggs to play with. Which all but lasted a few minutes. Silly girls. Miss Bekki (you can call her the momma of the compound) and Nat had prepared a feast of brisket, beans, potato salad, rice dressing, broccoli and cheese, deviled eggs, rolls, cookies and pie. You can say before the end of the day I was stuffed. Absolutely delicious.
(Ava "borrowing" Moxie's shades)

(Moxie the little cutie)

(The girls not so excited about overly colorful things in baskets)

(Ava throwing Easter eggs and Moxie enjoying the show)

(Girl I want that cookie)

We took the girls to the pool. Which yes in Louisiana it is already pool weather. It was a little cold at first but the girls took it like pros. After about an hour they both seemed to be getting sleepy. Since Ava was out of little swimmers (I forgot to buy new ones for this year) she came out with a water butt. Totally made me jealous. Wish I had a butt like that.

(Water butt)

(Stripped and freezing but still willing to play)

Stripped and changed, we had to sadly say our goodbyes. Ava and I had one last stop of the day to visit Nanny K. She just moved into her awesome new house and we had to go check out her new digs. I am so proud of her. She has made an awesome decision that I can see is truly making her happy. I look forward to coming visit a lot. I am really excited for her. Now if only some of that excitement would wear off on me about my own moving situation...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Afternoon out

Woke up groggy again today. Something is wrong with me in the mornings. I did manage to get Ava fed and dressed. When I did get her out of bed I noticed she has 10 "bug bites" on her face and 2 on her wrist. I am hoping this is because she did an Easter egg hunt outside at daycare yesterday. I put a little hydrocortizone  cream on it to bring down the redness. Which as of 9pm tonight has not helped.

Finally at 3pm I decided I had enough of moping around the house and decided to take Ava out for a bit. I planned already to go by McDonald's where my mother in law works to pick up boxes to start packing. I got Ava a happy meal because who can't get their kid a happy meal when they are at McDonald's. For once, she ate every single thing. From the chicken nuggets to even the little apple slices. Made mommy very happy to see her eat real food. When we got ready to leave I asked one of the employees to help me with the boxes to which they acted like I asked them to move a building... Finally I had to ask my mother in law to help me move the 4 boxes to my car. I mean I am a woman carrying a purse, diaper bag and a kid. Could you not take a minute to bring these boxes to my car parked right by the door?
(Ava with her apple slice and poor little bug bites)

(Me and Ava)

(Dancing trying to get the attention of the kids sitting across from us)

Initially after our trip to McDonald's I planned to take Ava to the park. After looking at the thermometer in the car which read 85 degrees, I decided to call my friend Natalia and see if a play date was in order. She happily obliged to have us over. The kids had a blast watching Super Why and fighting over toys and milk and goldfish. Us ladies discussed the goings on in our lives while occasionally laughing or yelling at our crazy kids. I did most of the yelling since Ava tends to be a little bit of a bully to poor Moxie. I did get Ava to say Moxie's name a few times it was so cute. The night ended with JPop playing on the TV and the girls playing with the disco ball light up toy designed for the pool. Had a little bite to eat of Natalia's always awesome cooking. She can turn anything edible I swear. Ava still full from her happy meal was having none of it.
(Kids playing horsey together)

Now finally home. The little one is in bed. I am hoping when she wakes up the bites will be gone and not multiplying. I am off to bed myself seeing as I have work tomorrow at the Lafayette Jockey Lot. Lets hope the heat doesn't kill me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fitness Journal 4/5/12 - Tired...

Woke up super early today. I took the little one to daycare so mommy can get much needed alone time and Ava could get some time with other kids. Went to the gym at 8:30am. Went shopping there after. Then crafted a pillow bed for Ava. Amy did more modge podging. I think she is addicted. Now I am at home at 8pm and super duper tired. I am having a hard time functioning with my usual tasks of putting Ava to bed. Not to mention she is running around like a crazy maniac from a fun active day at daycare. I just need to crawl into bed asap.

Breakfast: Nothing... Lots of water.
Lunch: Half of a thin crust Hawaiian style pizza from Papa Johns. (Probably due to the fact I didn't eat breakfast.)
Dinner: Bean and cheese tostada. (Easy simple when your exhausted.)

Exercise: 30 minute express

  1. Stepper
  2. Seated Leg Press 50 pounds 25 reps
  3. Stepper
  4. Leg Extension 25 pounds 15 reps
  5. Stepper
  6. Seated Leg Curl 40 pounds 16 reps
  7. Stepper
  8. Chest Press 25 pounds 20 reps
  9. Stepper
  10. Fixed Pulldown 55 pounds 20 reps
  11. Stepper
  12. Seated Row 25 pounds 20 reps
  13. Stepper
  14. Shoulder Press 20 pounds 15 reps
  15. Stepper
  16. Biceps Curl 30 pounds 20 reps
  17. Stepper
  18. Triceps extension 30 pounds 20 reps
  19. Stepper
  20. Abdominal Crunch 20 pounds 20 reps 2 sets


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Taking That Leap

Yes I can say I am pretty scared of what the future holds. I am now in the process of purchasing a new house. Finally getting out of the renting game. The hard part will be moving away from the city and my friends. Although I lived most of my childhood life on the land where I am soon to have my house, I am still worried. It will be like starting all over. I wonder if I can survive away from all the things I have come accustomed to. This seems like I am moving into the forest millions of miles away, but its not that bad. About 30 minutes from Lafayette to be exact. Shopping and schools aren't that far. I just wish I could move all of my friends with me. I am so selfish. Since my husband Michael is always gone I find myself needing more time with my friends to fill in the empty spaces. I enjoy taking my little girl to the park here and going places that I like to go. Like the gym that I love and all the variety of restaurants. One small town away seems like a whole country. I guess I can just put more gas into the budget and try my hardest to get over my anxiety of meeting new people. The schools aren't the best in the new area and I worry that I will have to home school or private school Ava. Looking into pricing seems to be discouraging. I hope that I can turn my fears into excitement. I just know I will build us a good home and provide Ava with what she needs. Here's to me trusting my instincts and taking the jump into home buying. Wish me luck...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fitness Journal 4/3/12 - To Waste That is the Question?

So I'm having a bad day to start. I did right and didn't indulge to make myself feel better. But I do have a habit of eating what my child doesn't finish eating for the sake of not wasting. So my question is: Is it better to eat it or waste it?

Breakfast: Half a banana and a frozen waffle with cool whip
Lunch: 1/2 Izzo's chicken burrito with black beans, corn, onions, lettuce and a side of cilantro ranch. (I just couldn't finish it all) Less than a hand full of tortilla chips with queso.
Dinner: Ranch Chicken Snack Wrap from Mcdonald's and 4 chicken nuggets (My daughter Ava only dipped her fries and nuggets in bbq sauce and ate the sauce and none of the food >.<)
Snack: Half PB and half cake batter frozen yogurt topped with butterfinger, cheesecake bites, pineapple and whipped cream. ( I know I should of just put fruit on it...)

(A blurry photo of me at the gym. I mean come on who wants to be seen all sweaty in ugly gym clothes)

Exercise Lower Body: 15 minute Arc Trainer Program 8 Cardio
Calf Extension 30 pounds 20 reps for 2 sets.
Seated Leg Curl 30 pounds 15 reps for 2 sets.
Leg Extension 30 pounds 15 reps for 2 sets.
Seated Leg Press 50 pounds 20 reps for 3 sets.
Glute 50 pounds 20 reps for 2 sets per leg.
Hip adduction 75 pounds 15 reps for 2 sets.
Abdominal Crunch 20 pounds 20 reps for 2 sets.
Torso Rotation 50 pounds 20 reps for 2 sets on each side.
Hip Abduction 75 pounds 20 reps for 2 sets.
15 minute Arc Trainer Program 8 Cardio

Tomorrow is usually my off day from the gym because I am so sore from lifting weights for two days. I am actually not feeling too sore and hoping to go again tomorrow. Crossing my fingers I can find a sitter for about two hours. Working out always clears my head and helps me to function properly.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fitness Journal 4/2/12 - Good Meets Bad

Woke up feeling groggy most of the day. But having a baby sure does make ya get up out of bed. Ate a good breakfast but found myself napping with Ava for 2 hours. Luckily I found a sitter so I could hit the gym. Made me feel better but once I made it home I was back to being drained...

Breakfast: Banana, one piece of honey dew, one strawberry
Lunch: Bean and cheese tostada, sour cream and salsa
Dinner: Half of the leftover container of jambalaya. Ava ate the rest.
Snack/Dessert: Banana with cool whip and chocolate syrup.

Exercise: 15 minute Arc Trainer Program 8 Cardio
Tricep Press 30 pounds 20 reps for 3 sets
Biceps Curl 30 pounds 15 reps for 2 sets
Shoulder Press 20 pounds 15 reps for 2 sets
Row/Rear Deltoid 30 pounds 15 reps for 2 sets
Pulldown 50 pounds  15 reps for 2 sets
Abdominal Crunch 20 pounds 20 reps for 3 sets
15 minute Arc Trainer Program 8 Cardio

Bad end of the day. Feeling very tempted to gorge on bad things. Resisting the urge and going to sleep instead. Yay me! Goodnight.